Tricks are a fun activity to do with your pup or a great way for those folks who want to earn titles from the American Kennel Club (AKC).
The Novice/Intermediate class teaches and reviews all the tricks listed on the AKC Novice and Intermediate Trick Dog Checklist such as shaking hands, rolling over, getting inside a box, crawling and lots more. At the end of the session, most of the dogs are ready to certify and earn both their AKC Trick Dog Novice and Intermediate titles.
We also occasionally offer an Advanced Trick Dog class for those wanting to challenge their skills a bit more. Most of the tricks on the AKC Advanced Trick Dog class are taught with some review on tricks from the Intermediate list. Some favorite tricks are Go Hide, Pick Pocket, Play Dead (or Go to Sleep), and Take a Bow. At the end of this session, students will have the opportunity to earn their AKC Advanced Trick Dog title.
If you’re interested in a Trick Dog class and we don’t have any available classes on the schedule, please fill out the wait list.