Whether you’re interested in recreational agility (for fun and exercise) or competitive agility (for fun, exercise AND earning titles), we have a class for you!
Our Agility classes teach the dog how to safely maneuver the various obstacles – A-frame, dog walk, teeter-totter, weave poles, tunnels, jumps and more. They teach the handler how to guide his dog through the agility course, with an eye on safety and control – not just speed!
We use the same positive approach to agility training that we use in all our classes. But, to make certain that class time is spent on learning agility (rather than basic obedience), we do have one pre-requisite: all Beginning Agility students must have trained their dog through at least Advanced Home Obedience with Family Dog (or equivalent training through competition obedience or another training school with instructor’s permission).
Off leash control is also necessary if you plan to progress into Intermediate and Advanced Agility classes. For your comfort, we have a full sized lighted, heated, indoor area at our 5,800 square foot Kent facility. All of our agility equipment is professionally made and inspected regularly to make sure it is safe and secure. A special note about safety. If you are shopping around for agility classes, be sure to watch for the following red flags: off-leash, out of control dogs; poorly managed and/or crowded classes; buildings or arenas that are not totally escape proof; and unsafe or unsteady equipment.
Be sure to read the About Us page on this website for more information on our training philosophy and general information about our various programs.
If you’re interested in an Agility class and we don’t have any available classes on the schedule, please fill out the wait list.