Fun Matches

This calendar lists fun matches, show n’ go’s, sanctioned matches and organized practices in the Puget Sound area that are not sponsored by Family Dog. (For info on Family Dog events, select “Events at FDTC” in the menu.)

We make every effort to ensure that the information on the calendars associated with this website are accurate, however we encourage you to contact the persons in charge of the event for verification.

If you would like to submit information on an upcoming match that is not listed here, please send an email and a PDF of the flier to

Click on an entry for details and links.

PLEASE READ THIS DISCLAIMER: Kathy Lang and Family Dog Training Center have taken great measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, however, neither can be held responsible for errors. Schedules and instructor assignments may be changed as necessary to accommodate student loads. Articles, photos and text contained on this web site are intended to be informational ONLY and do not constitute training guidance, examples or instructions.